Friday, January 14, 2011

Vegeterian spaghetti that taste like the real thing?

Okay so I have the most amazing wife EVER!!! Get this I walk in and not only has she made dinner, again, she made SPAGHETTI!!! Well if you know me you know Italian is a basic food group which makes going vegan challenging. Spaghetti is her speciality and the thought of not having it again was well distasteful.

She had plated the spaghetti, had a salad, a reasonable glass of wine along with garlic bread. Now I know what you are thinking YUMMY and CALORIE CITY! Well you would be mistaken my friend on the calorie city part anyway. She found items that were not only vegan relatively low in calories, so this entire meal was not only worth having but figure friendly.

Lets start by discussing the noodles she found a company called Ronzoni Smart Taste with added calcium, vitamin D and fiber with 170 cals per serving. The "meat" was by Morning Star called Meal Starters this was 80 cals per serving. Add her sauce ingredients and you have spaghetti for around 300 cals and it's not a frozen dinner! Sorry no way I could ever give this recipe out as it is a true Italian secret. There is no way I want anyone called Vinnie or someone with a last name of Sarafini coming after me to have any discussions on family secrets. I love the ocean but in no way do I want them to take me swimming with the fishes if you get my drift... Kidding.

The bread is 35 cal per slice with a spread made by Best Life added to that was of course garlic.

So what she said she did to ready the "meat" was to add some EVOO, a necessary step since this product has no actual animal fat. Brown the "meat" and use as you would any other ground beef, chicken or turkey. Make your spaghetti sauce as you normally would, again friends sorry cannot give the actual recipe on this one.

I am sure by now you are wondering, as I was seconds after entering the door, how this is going to taste. Well let me be the first to say, you absolutely could not tell the difference. Wow what a statement! Well okay there is a difference, but not in taste. The difference for this meal vs. the original beef laden, high fat content, calories out the wazoo meal is that right now I don't hate the fact that I ate it, I am not sleepy, bloated, burping or weighed down with a heavy lump of animal content in my stomach. BRAVO!

Not your tofu and carrots of vegan times gone by but a great way to enjoy meals that are tasty, low calorie and simply devine to make and eat. BON APPETITE!

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